Matre Dual Agent Cabinet

Matre Helideck DAHR.jpg

Dual Agent Hose Reel ( DAHR )

Matre Dual Agent Hose Reel ( DAHR ) is a compact, combined water / foam and dry chemical hose reel that is intended for manual use against smaller fires on and in the vicinity of helicopter decks.

The powder can be used on energized electrical equipment and will cover a large area. A powder blanket will cut off air supply and prevent any reignition.  The mixture of powder and nitrogen gas will also get into every open space for effective firefighting.

The water/foam combination will blanket burning fuel and thereby smothering the fire. Cooling adjacent surroundings and suppressing release of flammable vapors is an additional advantage.

Matre DAHR is designed to be fully compliant with all rules and regulations for use on vessels and offshore installation helidecks.

All components are fitted inside an insulated and heated cabinet, with two doors in front, a hatch on the top as an alternative way to pull out the hose and a hatch on the top for refilling of powder.








-        Flexible design

-        Matre inductor foam proportioner

-        Matre Dual Agent Nozzle

-        Compact unit for easy installation




PED approval


-        Water line delivered in SS316 as standard

-        Options:  Titanium Gr. 2 ( NORSOK )