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Arbeidssted blir i Brubakken på Rubbestadneset, der du vil utføre montering, testing og vedlikehold av våre produkter og system. Som servicemekaniker vil du i tillegg få muligheten til å reise verden over, både on- og offshore, for å utføre oppstarts- og servicearbeid.

Personen vi søker må være positiv, kundeorientert og fleksibel med mekanisk erfaring. Vi oppfordrer mekanikere som ikke tidligere har reist på service, men som kunne tenke seg nye utfordringer om å søke. God opplæring vil bli gitt.

Ønskede kvalifikasjoner

  • Fagbrev som industrimekaniker eller tilsvarende
    Lang og relevant erfaring kan kompensere for manglende fagbrev

  • Erfaring innen olje- og gassindustrien er en fordel, men ingen betingelse

  • Beherske engelsk/norsk skriftlig og muntlig

  • Gode IT kunnskaper

Personlige egenskaper

  • God serviceinnstilling og ansvarsfølelse

  • Sunne holdninger og stor arbeidskapasitet

  • Ryddig og effektiv arbeidsmetode

  • Gode samarbeidsevner

  • Selvstendig og selvgående

For nærmere opplysninger eller spørsmål ta kontakt med
teamleader Arve Våge Karlsen på mob. 476 45 843 eller

Søknad med CV sendes til

Søknader vil bli behandlet fortløpende.

Firenor International AS acquires Matre Maskin AS

Firenor International AS, has acquired technology company Matre Maskin AS, thereby strengthening our position as a supplier of fire safety equipment.

Bømlo-based Matre Maskin is a provider of specialized products and systems for active fire suppression to global customers within the energy sector, and in recent years, it has also made significant deliveries to the offshore wind power industry. Established in 1953, the company's main products are proprietary fire suppression systems for helicopter decks and process facilities.

The acquisition of Matre Maskin expands the customer base and strengthens both the product portfolio and market position of Firenor International. Matre is already an important supplier to Frienor, and it is expected that several synergies can be achieved through the acquisition.

- "The companies complement each other, and through the acquisition, Firenor International is strengthened with increased capacity, competence, and experience," says Carl Adam Rosenblad, CEO of parent company Concejo AB (publ) in Stockholm.

- "Firenor International is an ideal partner for the future, and as a new, financially strong owner of Matre Maskin, they will ensure the company's continued international growth and contribute to securing and developing jobs in Bømlo," says Rolf Haldorsen, chairman of Matre & Co AS, who is now selling his stake in the company that recently celebrated 70 years of industrial development in Brubakken at Rubbestadneset.

Matre Pop-Up Nozzle is now MED Approved and DNV GL Type Approved

As probably the only Pop-Up nozzle in the world, Matre’s DY16 pop-up nozzle is MED approved and DNV Type Approved for Helideck Deck Integrated Fire Fighting Systems ( DIFFS )

MED approved According to the requirements in the following Regulations/Standards:

Regulation (EU) 2017/306, item No. MED/3.67. SOLAS 74 as amended, Regulation II-2/18 and IMO MSC.1/Circ.1431

DNV GL Type Approved in compliance with:

DNV GL offshore standards

DNV GL rules for classification – Ships

DNV GL statutory interpretations DNVGL-SI-0364 – SOLAS interpretations

Matre FOI wafer type foam inductor is now MED Approved and DNVGL Type Approved

We are proud to announce that Matre now have received MED approval and DNVGL Type Approval for our Inductor foam proportioner, M-FOI wafer type.

MED approved for use in Helicopter facility foam fire-fighting appliances, according to the requirements in the following Regulations/Standards:

Approved according to MED/3.67. SOLAS 74 as amended, Regulation II-2/18 and IMO MSC.1/Circ.1431

DNVGL Type Approved for use as a foam proportioner in firefighting systems:

DNV GL statutory interpretations DNVGL-SI-0364 – SOLAS interpretations

DNV GL rules for classification – Ships

DNV GL offshore standards