Matre is a major supplier to the international marked of helideck firefighting solutions as well as foam insertion components for deluge systems. 

Our Deck Integrated Firefighting System (DIFFS) - a combination of a foam skid together with our patented pop-up Nozzles is very efficient firefighting system for helidecks, With deck-integrated pop-up nozzles the system will within a very short delay cover the whole helideck area with the water and foam spray, Thus, to rescue personnel can be prioritized, not to fight the fire.

With an complete range of different proportioners to choose from with, very wide flow and pressure range a system can be designed for any sized helideck.. The systems are designed to comply with CAP437, and all components are tested prior to delivery in our purpose build test facility.

We are manufacturing a wide range of foam proportioners covering a wide flow and pressure  range. These products  and are used as the main components in offshosre deluge systems.

Selected OFFSHORE references

Mariner Statoil - UK.png

EQUINOR / Mariner

Matre DIFFS is the preferred firefighting system for Mariner project.  In addition we have delivered our foam turbines for deluge system..

Prelude - Comm.jpg

SHELL /Prelude

Prelude FLNG is the largest offshore facility ever contructed. Matre DIFFS is the preferred firefighting system for the two helidecks at Prelude (FLNG) 

Yuri Korchagin Offshore oil field.jpg

EXXON / The Yuri Korchagin field 

Sakhalin, located in extreme sub-Arctic conditions off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East.

Matre have supplied large series of foam turbines which are installed into the Sakhalin fixed firefighting system.

OFFhore Products