Matre is a major supplier to the international marked of helideck firefighting solutions as well as foam insertion components for deluge systems.
Our Deck Integrated Firefighting System (DIFFS) - a combination of a foam skid together with our patented pop-up Nozzles is very efficient firefighting system for helidecks, With deck-integrated pop-up nozzles the system will within a very short delay cover the whole helideck area with the water and foam spray, Thus, to rescue personnel can be prioritized, not to fight the fire.
Selected Maritime references
NKT Victoria
Built by Kleven Verft. Design SALT 306.
Ship of the year 2017
NKT Victoria is one of the world's most advanced cable carriers.
Matre has supplied with DIFFS.
Seven Viking
Built by Ultstein Verft in 2013.
Ship of the year 2013.
Matre has supplied with DIFFS.
Edda Freya
Built by Kleven Verft in 2016. Design SALT 304 0CV.
Accommodation vessel.
Matre has supplied with DIFFS.